Aroma Crystal Therapy Massage in Hyderabad

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Aroma Crystal Therapy

Aromatherapy is the alternative branch of medicine. In literal sense, it means “Treatment through Fragrance!” Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being.
This branch of Natural Healing has been around for 6000 years and more.

Essential oils are the “life force of the plant.” These essences have profound effects on our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual being. The inhaled aroma from these “essential” oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing.

A form of alternative medicine, aromatherapy is gaining momentum. It is used for a variety of applications, including pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function.
There are a wide number of essential oils available, each with its own healing properties.

The oils are mixed with another substance (such as oil, alcohol, or lotion) and then put on the skin, sprayed in the air, or inhaled. You can also massage the oils into the skin or pour them into bath water. The oils are thought to interact with the body’s hormones and enzymes to cause changes in blood pressure, pulse, and other body functions. Another theory suggests that the fragrance of certain oils may stimulate the body to produce pain-fighting substances.

Aromatherapy may promote relaxation and help relieve stress. It has also been used to help treat a wide range of physical and mental conditions, including burns, infections, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. But so far there is limited scientific evidence to support claims that aromatherapy effectively prevents or cures illness.

Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil therapy, can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual's innate healing process.

Aromatherapy is… the skilled and controlled use of essential oils for physical and emotional health and well being.” Valerie Cooksley

Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore lost balance to mind, body and soul.” Robert Tisserand

It is a natural, non-invasive modality designed to affect the whole person not just the symptom or disease and to assist the body’s natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain itself by the correct use of essential oils.” Jade Shutes


Crystal Therapy

From as far back as the days of the legendary lost city of Atlantis, through the ancient Mayan and Hebrew civilizations, and including Far Eastern and Native American cultures, crystals and gemstones have been used both in spiritual rituals and as aids to physical healing.

Today the practice of using stones and crystals continues. Not only with the aboriginal shamans of Australia who use stones to commune with spirits, but with ordinary people across the world who claim extraordinary results.

Tales tell that they were first used in Atlantis. Crystals became important to the people of that civilization who believed in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones’ ability to work as conductors allow them to focus energy via a person’s thoughts to stimulate healing – both physical and non-physical.

Crystals are used in meditation and spiritual ceremonies, laid on the body during types of massage or bodywork, when a person is resting, or placed in drinking or bathing waters. It is claimed that an odd number of facets on the stone aid in healing, while an even number of facets create the best energizers. Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy, clear and aquamarine stones are healers, and lavender and blue-violet stones create calming effects.

Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room. This means that, unlike Western healthcare (which tends to focus on treating one symptom/ailment at a time) crystal therapy addresses the patient as a whole – paying as much attention to his or her spiritual and emotional well-being as to their physical health.

Crystal therapy is a non-invasive, relaxing, natural and enjoyable process. Whether you believe in the physical healing properties of crystals or not, the therapy itself will offer you a chance to lie back, relax and get in touch with your body’s energies so you can leave feeling refreshed, restored and de-stressed – a perfect platform for improved physical health.

Crystal therapy is based on the premise that crystals can, in a sense, communicate with the energies flowing around the human body. On a microscopic level a crystal is a network of repeating geometric patterns made up of compressed ions, atoms and molecules. According to crystal therapy, every crystal has its own unique electromagnetic charge. These charges, or ‘healing vibrations’ are supposed to interact with the body’s energy centres to remove ‘blockages’ and restore a healthy flow through the body and mind.

Crystal therapists choose crystals carefully for each individual patient as each one is believed to have a unique healing power. Crystal therapists then place the chosen crystal on different areas of the body in a grid-like fashion designed to stimulate energy.


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